Cooperative sport

Tagged with:

  • Physical activity
  • Sport Studies
  • Hauora
  • Attitudes and values
  • Outdoor education
  • Movement concepts and motor skills
  • Relationships With Other People
  • Years 9–10

Learn about cooperation and competition in sport through modified volleyball.

Sport studies — Resource collection

This resource is part of the Sport studies resource collection.

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A group of students and a teacher throwing balls into the air


Learning about cooperation and competition in sport through modified volleyball.

Unit aim

To develop constructive attitudes, values, and behaviours to manage cooperative and competitive sporting environments.

General overview

  • Ākonga complete 2–3 sessions of teacher directed learning in skills for modified volleyball (that is, overhead pass, forearm pass, and serve).
  • Ākonga work in teams to develop their skills and teamwork strategies for modified volleyball.
  • Ākonga play the games in teams with a focus on inclusion.
  • Ākonga participate in their teams in a tournament of modified volleyball. They are responsible for officiating and scoring teams on a range of cooperative abilities.

Key area(s) of learning

Sport studies, physical activity

Underlying concepts

This unit will enable ākonga to develop care and concern for other people (attitudes and values); and recognise the need for mutual care and shared responsibility (socio-ecological perspectives).

AO Learning Outcome Learning experiences Assessment opportunities
4B4 Ākonga will experience and demonstrate ways in which cultural and social practices of sport are expressed through modified sport.

Ākonga will consider cultural and social practices associated with volleyball. In teams ākonga will develop and demonstrate team chant, uniform, team name, and accept responsibility.

Ākonga work in teams to develop skills of modified volleyball.

Ākonga complete peer assessed score sheet indicating team involvement, team chant, and team uniform.
3B4 Ākonga will develop social and cooperative skills and responsible attitudes about emotional safety in modified volleyball competition. Ākonga play games of modified volleyball recording levels of encouragement, inclusiveness, and positive sporting behaviour onto peer assessed score sheet. Ākonga complete peer assessed score sheet indicating levels of encouragement, inclusiveness, and positive sporting behaviour.